Tag Archives: Online Business

One Secret Quality to Become RICH – Honest Truth

In today’s article, I’m going to share with you the one skill which is important in order to become RICH.

Becoming RICH is a subjective matter as there are hundreds, if not thousands of ways to achieve it in these modern days. However, many would agree every success comes down to one important quality which is ‘Sacrifice’.


To put it simply, without ‘sacrifice’, ‘nothing’ can be ‘achieved’.

Without ‘sacrifice’, no ‘budget plan succeeds’.

Every ‘budget’ plan requires you to ‘cut down spending’.

So , say goodbye to those ‘expensive Starbucks’ drinks. Or to that delicious and healthy ‘Avocado toasts’.

Without ‘sacrifice’, no ‘investment’ can bear ‘profits’.

Every ‘investment’ begins with you having to ‘put aside money’ which you ‘don’t have access’ over a period of time.

Without ‘sacrifice’, no ‘self-discipline’ can be achieved too.

Every ‘self-discipline artist’ knows what it takes to achieve a ‘higher state’ of being able to ‘control’ self from ‘spending’ unnecessarily.

So, you’re probably wondering “How can one achieve a higher level of ‘sacrifice’?”

My short answer is to ‘Travel’.

When I say travel, not jet setting in ‘first class’ seats, or staying in a ‘5 star hotel’.

What I mean is to travel to isolated or remote areas where access to modern world is limited.

You see, the problem with human beings these days is not because we can’t live without technology.

That’s completely untrue.

Human beings have been living without much technology for most of our history. We have strive in wilderness back then, so why not today?

By exposing ourselves to such difficult conditions, we can learn to rely none other than ourselves. We learn that it takes some level of sacrifices to go through the day.

We start gather wood for fire & cooking. We gather water early in the morning to stay hydrated throughout the day. We even begin to forget the access to internet.

Guess what happens when you return? You’ll no longer see the benefits of owning things which are no longer essential to your survival. You’ve become accustom to it.

Personally, this is the best way to learn.


While some argue this method is unnecessary. I argue, unless you’re a natural frugal person, I believe practical experience matters most and that some times, drastic actions are necessary to achieve higher level.

Once you’re accustom to a higher level of sacrifice, you’ll start living differently. You spend on things you only need & skip unnecessary spending without hesitation.

With such quality, any budget plan becomes easy to follow. And any investment becomes easier too as you are able to put more money into it.

That’s it from me. I hope you guys learn something from this. Let me know what you think in the comment below so we can start a healthy conversation about the topic.

Happy Weekend.




5 Weaknesses That You Need to Get Rid to Become an Entrepreneur.

Yes, running new business is exciting. The idea of success and the bountiful benefits which come with it are truly desirable. But, can anyone just do it? Can anyone who dives into this achieves success?

Recent report that 90% startup in USA fail is enough to scare away people from venturing into the entrepreneurial world. Apart from the distinct weaknesses in the technical department, what the article fail to realize is also the required mindset in order to achieve the difficulties and challenges of entrepreneurial world.

Having said that, here’s a list of weaknesses you need to get rid of in order to make the entrepreneurial journey less difficult:

1. Escape from your 9-5pm job

Majority of my clients began startup as a mean to escape from their 9-5pm job. I caution you if that is what you’re looking for. Starting your own business is just as difficult, if not more.

You are no longer just working at a company. You are running it which means every business activity needs to be at your fingertips. Your responsibility becomes broadened. You no longer check in and out at 5pm.

As an entrepreneur, your work continues making sure your budget is balanced. That you have enough money to pay salaries, rent and utility bills. You’ll begin to worry ‘what if’ you can’t afford to pay your employees end of the week if business not going well. You also need to consider your loan repayment and its interests (if you did take one).

Once done, only then you start thinking about getting your pay – unless you are a dishonest person, taking the share early leaving everyone else who worked for you ‘dry’. Something which I do not advocate and strongly condemns.

I’m hopeful that I did not scare you away with those rants, I was just stating the truth. This is the reality of starting an honest business from scratch and I have barely scratched the surface.

If you feel this person is you, then I’d recommend you to eliminate this thinking and prep yourself in facing more challenges as an entrepreneur. Otherwise, I’d recommend you keep your job until you are mentally and physically prepare for it.

2. You Look for Quick Results

I’ll be honest. Every millennials (myself included) fancy the idea of making quick buck. We mistook the idea of internet available everywhere enables us to reap results fast – along came Mr Zuckerberg’s Facebook and Systrom’s & Kriger’s Instagram which were considered as an ‘overnight’ success at the time.

Ever since then, we take pride in the idea that ‘if Zuckerberg can do it, so can I’ often leads to impatient approach and taking shortcuts even if it means to lie and cheat. We also start making ridiculous short-term business objectives for the purpose of making it ‘big and quick’.

And whenever we don’t get the results we set out, we falter. We began questioning ourselves and raise doubts over the business. These are the setbacks of looking quick results or in other words, an instant success.

This particular characteristic is dangerous as I have seen quite a number of young entrepreneurs who fell for the ‘quick buck’ mentality. They went down not only at the expense of being demonised by their unpaid staff, but also at the cost of owing more money to the bank at a very young age.     

3. Quick Diversification

At a certain point, entrepreneurs have always been reminded to diversify their business activities. This is true, but needs to be applied the correct way at the right time.

Diversification somewhat implies your business is growing. However, quick diversification could cost your business too. Businesses that grow rapidly could cause strain to activities that support your growth. Once a business’ growth exceeds its supporting functions, it will cause a reaction to its failure.

For example, your business grows quick till it does not give enough time and support to its departments which drives growth in the organisation. The quick and large diversification of business activities will strain them and eventually will lead to organisational failure due to lack of support and time to recover.

In short, quick diversification overloads your departments from functioning properly due to lack of support and time to recuperate.

I’d recommend you to diversify your business, but only when your business is ready to grow. Take your time, understand the market you intend to enter and; implement new principles to your business and its staff patiently.

4. You’re Connecting for Sales, not Relationship

This is somewhat related to ‘looking to get quick results’ section mentioned above. Making sales is fun and great. However, it does not guarantee customer retention and referrals.

Entrepreneurs can be very financially-driven – at least from my experience consulting. Whilst it is great to see our sales performance skyrocket, it does not ensure that next annual performance could maintain, if not better.

Many entrepreneurs tend to forget that building relationship with your customers is just as crucial. They would normally spend a lot of time and money on selling their product to customers and less on customer relationship. This could end up to confusion and dissatisfaction in the customer service department. And sometimes deceit.

The barrier between the business and customers will likely have the latter ends up not supporting due to lack of confidence and trust. You can forget about customer retention and referrals – two of the most sought after customers in business.

At the end, building relationship is just as crucial as making sales. It requires more work especially dealing with demanding customers, but the outcome of these relationships is long-term. By communicating and resolving their issues, customers will be more willing to support you and don’t mind referring peers to your business which they truly feel honest and trustworthy.

5. ‘Maverick-Lead’

Maverick leadership is an old concept of team management which is no longer applicable in this century. Exchange of information is quick and there will always be people smarter than you. You can no longer make decisions based on your ‘hunch’ alone without any supporting evidence to back you up. You are just going to get heckled by your staff when things go wrong.

In this modern era, even the slightest mistake will have you ruined. One man or woman can’t run the organisation alone. You need to be good at management, delegation, teamwork and inclusive decision-making process.

A true leader sees leadership as a responsibility, not a privilege in which anything can be done as pleased without reasoning. You need to listen, have open discussions and accepting criticisms.

The more you listen, the better your decisions will be having to consider wealth of information from bottom-top of your organisation.

Having said that, also learn to accept the amount of information gathered is enough and not more is needed – which purpose is to prevent information overload.     

6. Final Two Cent

While all these weaknesses or misconceptions sound easy to deal with, doing it practically is far more difficult. Aspiring entrepreneurs have the tendency to ‘make it big quick’. I guess everyone does. This is where your long term business plan is crucial. Stick to it. You have done the homework, now is the time you learn to trust it.  

7 Qualities That Will Make You Rich

When you see successful people, you seldom think about what lies underneath all the cool lifestyle they exhibit.

Many people dream to achieve success but often struggle due to lack of understanding the qualities required.

Today, I’m sharing the top 7 qualities that will make you rich.

1. Become known for one thing

People often feel proud whenever they tell you they have many talents.

While this can be seen as an ‘ego-booster’ for many, the reality is that it can be both a blessing and a curse.

“He who catches two rabbits at once will catch none.” – German proverb

Attempting to achieve various things at once can drive you to the brink of depression as you try relentlessly to try fit them all into your packed-tight schedule.

You might feel you can do it at first, I felt the same too, but as time goes by, you’ll start begin to worn out. When that happens, you’ll start losing focus on ALL things.

I know that sometimes, you feel you need to make the best out of the time available to you – I’ve been there. Then, I realize that it only accelerate my exhaustion level.

So, why should you focus on one thing at a time?

To start, our brain has shown that it works best when concentrated one thing at a time.

In fact, a research by Stanford University that frequent multi-taskers were actually worse at multitasking.

They even performed worse because they had more trouble organizing their thoughts and filtering out irrelevant information.

Researchers at the University of Sussex in the UK also found that multi-taskers suffer from cognitive impairment affecting their empathy as well as cognitive and emotional control.

Apart from health concerns, if you look at those who are exceptionally successful, you’ll see how often they champion the idea of ‘focusing getting things done – one at a time’.

“Focus and be known for one thing.” – Anonymous

“Your life is controlled by what you focus on.” – Tony Robbins

By becoming known for one thing, the word gets out about you and your business much faster than someone who ‘multi-tasks a lot and known to be an average at a lot of things’.

People are more likely to come to you since you’re the best – some might even fly to you and vice versa.

Start focus today. Be known for one thing.


“Whenever you see a successful person, you only public glories. never the private sacrifices to reach them.” – Vaibhav Shah.

We often see the successes of people, but can never learn enough from the struggles they went through.

Being an entrepreneur will make you realize that the lifestyle you want doesn’t come for easily.

“The dream is free, the hustle is sold separately.” – Anonymous

Real entrepreneurs are not only able to see the opportunity, they are also willing to do what it takes to earn it. They respect the dream and know there’s a price to pay.

On the other hand, if you see entrepreneurship as a way out of your 9-5pm job, or because you enjoy less time working, then, you’re stepping into a ‘sinking ship’.

This is what separates between successful entrepreneurs and ‘wanna-preneurs’.

When I started out, I had to care for both my parents down with chronic diseases. That along with running businesses – I had to make tough decisions and sacrifices along the way, some I’m not particularly proud of but had to be done. I’m glad I made it through today.

That’s entrepreneurship. There’s no easy way up. It’s a rollercoaster.

It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it IF you’re smart about it.


“Don’t focus on the risks. Focus on the rewards.” – Anonymous

Life will get harder in your journey as an entrepreneur; and to be honest, you’re in this alone in the beginning.

Unlike your job, there’s no one to motivate you but yourself. You have no boss, no peers – you get the idea.

You’d argue “what about partners, investors etc?”

Well, they can only recommend you on the direction and decision making the company should take – but at the end of day, you’re the driving force that should get things done.

You’re your own motivator.

Yes your family and friends will be around you, but what lies within yourself is where you REALLY make the difference.

There will come a number of times where your brain will start to wonder – and start telling you to doubt, stop and give up.

Why not? After all, your business is not making much progress after 1, 2, 3 years. Savings all dried up. There’s nothing left you could do.

This situation alone might scare off most people away.

But successful entrepreneurs know better. They see the risks but they focus on the outcome. This is one of the best ways to motivate yourself. See the rewards, not the struggles.

In addition, you also need to find various amount of motivational quotes and to keep it as mantra in case you start feeling worn out.

Create reminders of what success would look like, or any possessions (e.g. mansion, yacht etc) you desire to own. Do whatever it takes to remind that you need to work harder if you want to achieve it.

If you’re unable to motivate yourself, you’re in tough luck and better off working a job.

4. Define your goal daily

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.”

If you’re an admirer of various successful people, I’m sure you’ve come across the importance of writing down your goals every single day.

This is a habit most entrepreneurs live by; as it helps you an impulse to act on a daily basis.

By setting your goals, you’ll start to wake up ‘with a plan’ rather than ‘to have a plan’.

This attitude helps to start your day as productive you can – not wasting time trying to figure out ‘what to do today’.

When you set the goals every day it helps you to define priorities and keep the most important things on the first place.

The initial identification of priorities is one of the most important things you need to do.

Focus on getting the most profitable activities done early, and then everything else. Soon, you’ll discover the best route to your success.

5. Practice resilience

“The task ahead of you is never greater than the strength WITHIN you.” – Anonymous

“Resilience is the ability to fall, pick ourselves up from the floor quickly, learn and continue with the journey.” – Anonymous.

Resilience is key to success. It gives you an advantage over people who choose to give up the moment they face failure.

You can be the smartest person in the room – who are also not spared from failures; but if you lack the discipline to keep going, you ought to fail as well.

I’m a big saver. In fact, I enjoy saving money especially being able to see my money grows every month at the bank and eventually investment. Of course, I desire for luxurious possessions in life, but I knew I had to keep my grit and carry on saving money.

I’ve tried most which entrepreneurs went through (except being homeless) e.g. eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches almost everyday, had to juggle between taking care both my parents and my business, and so on.

Today, majority of the savings are in investments. I can live comfortably from the returns alone. I do still save, but slowly, I start to increase my expenses a little bit so I get to enjoy after all the years of sacrifices.

“If you don’t give up, you still have a chance ….” – Jack Ma

You cannot avoid ups and downs along the way but you need to find within yourself to uphold a strong spirit to accomplish your short and long-term goals.

6. Obey the “Rule of 500”

In a nutshell, you need to offer your services or products to at least 500 people per month in order to become a millionaire.

Of course, this depends on the nature of your business i.e. profit margin etc. What’s being pointed out here is to get your product in front of as many people; and quick.

There will be large number of refusals – but this is just part of sales. You just need to be ready for it.

7. Long Term & Short Term Plans

“You have to believe in the long term plan but you need the short term goals to motivate and inspire you.” – Roger Federer

Everything you’ve done in life so far has been for the immediate future.

Mankind functions in strange ways where we mostly know the importance of long term plan – and yet, we still seek for a shortcut.

If you wish to be successful in life, your mindset needs to be re-wired quick.

You need to stop looking for shortcuts, there isn’t one. There are large numbers of successful people can attest to that.

To be honest with you:

It will take between 7 and 10 years to change your life.

You’re probably getting discouraged hearing this – and opting for Netflix instead.

If you’re that person, that’s good. You’ve just saved yourself from 10 years of hard work to success – than decades of average work to just being average.

Being successful requires you to think ahead and take actions now which will have an impact over the long term.

Successful people often look at the rewards of hardship; and then deconstruct it into short term plans to achieve that end game. This mentality is what’s going to help you pivot towards success.

It works similar like reverse engineering a product. You tear it into pieces trying to figure how it works and being made.

Top Seven Deadly Reasons of Business Failures and How to Avoid?

A survey by CB Insights has compiled ranges of study on businesses that failed. The report found 20 top reasons, naming absence of market, lack of capital and a startup team which did not fit for the job in the top three.

Whilst the report listed 20 reasons, I decided to only focus on 7 most deadly reasons you need to pay more attention to and how to overcome it:

Continue reading Top Seven Deadly Reasons of Business Failures and How to Avoid?

5 Great Ways to Build Customer Loyalty Online.

In 2003, Harvard Business Review wrote how loyal customers are much more profitable than other customers. The article reported loyal customers are prone to buying from you more often, they cost less to serve and most important of all, they provide the highest quality of feedback.

Whilst all these are good, small businesses still struggle to obtain the creme’ de’ la creme of their customers. Here, we take a look at five effective ways to build your customers’ loyalty:

Continue reading 5 Great Ways to Build Customer Loyalty Online.

Top Seven Deadly Reasons of Business Failures and How to Avoid?

A survey by CB Insights has compiled ranges of study on businesses that failed. The report found 20 top reasons, naming absence of market, lack of capital and a startup team which did not fit for the job in the top three.

Whilst the report listed 20 reasons, I decided to only focus on 7 most deadly reasons you need to pay more attention to and how to overcome it:

Continue reading Top Seven Deadly Reasons of Business Failures and How to Avoid?